The software is so very 1980's that it's laughable (until the screaming starts) when you realize as the unit barks commands at you that you cannot mute it: you have 2 levels of volume control- Loud and a Little Less Loud but still freakin' annoying. I wanted to give my very bright little 4 year old daughter her own "little computer" to play with. She has fun on Daddy's big computer and with very little help can point and click with the mouse and is learning to use the arrow keys to manipulate cute characters on age appropriate web sites (Mickey Mouse Club House,etc..) and in K-1st grade software on our hardrive. I thought this product might get her OFF my comp and engaged and learning but alas... It was not to be. The unit LOOKS good but do NOT be fooled as I was!
Price: $49.99
Jan 2, 2008
VTech Nitro Notebook Electronic Learning Device (Pink)
VTech Nitro Notebook Electronic Learning Device
They said : I purchased this activity notebook for my granddaughter who has scheduled a thirty minute session each night after dinner. It was her request, by the way. I like the fact that it tracks progress and has levels of difficulty that will keep her attention for years to come. As a bonus, her little brother can use it as well when he is old enough. I predict its usefulness in their household for at least the next twelve years. Its the best gift I've ever purchased for a child.
Price: $84.95
V Tech - V.Smile DeskPro (Desktop Computer)
They said:I brought this for my eight year old for Christmas,she began to play with it around Feb.she was having great fun with it until it began to freeze up.I took it back to the store in which I had to wait 1month till one came back in stock,took that one home did great for two weeks,same thing happened your moneybuy something that will actually work for that kind of money.
Price: $73.58
VTech Whiz Kid Learning System
They said: I purchased the Vtech Whiz kid system as a Christmas present for my two year old. It is a wonderful system and a great learning tool... unfortunately, not for a two year old. From the pictures and videos I've seen, I thought it would be much easier for him to use. I don't regret buying it though because he will grow into it and does enjoy playing with it, but with my assistance. My older children enjoy it and have learning a few things from it. It is easy for them to play, and very rewarding when they choose the correct answer. It plugs into the computer and you can track each childs progress. My favorite feature of this product is the CD rom that comes with the game....if my son destroys one of the pages, it is easily replaced by printing one out. I haven't tried this yet and am not sure how it works, but since I was purchasing this for a two year old, that played a big factor in choosing this system over others. I bought rechargeable batteries for this game and with almost 8 hours of play time, they have not gone dead yet!!! I would recommend this toy to other parents! Your child can play it at home on or off the computer as well as take it along in the car for quiet car rides. This toy will be a good learning tool for my son as soon as he grows into it.
Price: $49.99
Kid-Tough Preschool Game Player
They said : We bought this Game Player for our, then 1 1/2 year old, last Christmas because he had always been interested in electronic toys (or the phone, or remote...) and was always trying to take the Leapster or Gameboy games away from my older children. I knew it was a bit young for him, but it looked tough and durable. We thought that even if he couldn't really play the games, he might enjoy having a game of his own. It also seemed like a toy he could grow into. Well, he's 2 1/2 now, and he LOVES this toy. I love that it's small and "kid-tough!" It's the perfect size for him, with big easy-to-use buttons. I can throw it in my purse so my son can use it in the car, or sitting in the cart at the grocery store, or waiting for a meal in a restaurant. (It has 2 volumes-- but isn't terribly loud, even when it's turned up.) Now he is even able to play most of the games as they were meant to be played (as opposed to just pressing buttons as he did when he was younger). I would highly recommend this toy!
Price: $25.99